This article has been written by Mantasha Afaque Farooqui, a 4th year BBA.LL.B Student from Integral University, Lucknow.

Education is one of the fundamental and basic right of every individual in every country not only for the progress and development of that individual instead for the progress of whole country. Education, in its extensive and most panoramic way, is understood as having an inherent part in putting forward the change and effecting the way of decision making of any individual for their continuity and sustainability and thereof ensuring that all people have knowledge that they are known about the risk they will meet and the best plan of action that may be related and easily admissible to the local communities .Many of the authors have elaborated the term education and have given their own definitions. Summarizing all it comes under the review that education does not only have one parameter it includes many prospects like way of communication, public awareness, positive attitude to bring changes training & capacity building and so on. with the advancement of time and people’s perspective and their view of development has shifted from the solely economic view to the new view that includes the sustainable development that can be achieve by the three pillars of sustainability that are economic ,environmental & societal development.[1] With these new changes new emphasis comes that acknowledges that existing policies are not enough for the sustainable development. Education must be foster at its highest level throughout the country as the role of education in its broader sense is a key plan for attaining the SDGs that is sustainable development goal.
KEYWORDS: Sustainable development, Summarizing, Communities, parameters & Education.
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The ability to read, write and analyze; the confidence to stand up and demand justice and equality; the qualifications and connection to get your seat at the table – All of that starts with Education.
-Michelle Obama
Education is one of the most important tools that helps in transmission of any potential and possible knowledge to human beings and on the other hand permits everyone to access the attitudes, values, skills and knowledge that are essential to build one’s future in a more sustainable way. Education has one of its foundational core stones of conveying the culture from generation to generation. Education in its simplest term can be explained as a body of theoretical and applied research for the sustainable development to learning and teaching whereas sustainable development refers to any kind of development that is done in such a way that it meets the need of future generation[2] without compromising the need of today’s people and without abuse or excessive use of natural resource. The main focus on this kind of development is to maintain the balance between meeting the present demand over the needs of next generation and also admits the nature’s demand. Today, the requirement is not only for sustainable development is not only for the viability of human beings but also for its protection of future[3]. Education is one of the key that can be taken as a big force: a force that is not only helping in the development of nation but also can pave ways to sustainable development goals of the country. we have always heard that educate a women you will educate a whole family therefore, education at it best can truly plays a very important role in educating a whole country for development with sustainable development goals. The foremost aim of education is to be key for the sustainable development goals (SDGs) is a man of sustainable type thinking OR “education of new man”. Education is very important for the development of this contemporary world as it helps in improving agriculture productivity, reduction in population, enhancing environment protection, status of women and overall raising the standards of living in its broader terms.
The origin of the word education has come up from the Latin term Educere or Educare where the word educere means to lead froth or to draw out and the word educare holds the meaning to nourship or to bring up[4]. In a very simple terminology, Education can probably be understood as the transfer of information, skills, and knowledge and character traits. Till now, there is not well defined elaboration of the word education many of the researchers have made their attempt and have tried to define the word education in their best ways. Aggregating all their efforts a well defined meaning of education came forward that is “education is a dynamic and systematic process by which a child or an adult abstains the experience, skills, knowledge and a sound attitude. It is the key to open the doors of civilization. It differentiates the identity of a civilized person from that of uncivilized men. Few of the theorist advocates simple and precise meaning of education by focussing on the certain characteristics that are absolute to every form of education. One of the education theorist R.S.Peters had pointed out three main features of education, that talks about that understanding ad knowledge bestowed to the students which is beneficial to them and it should be done in a precise manner but still, the definition of R.S.Peters still faces many disagreements as less common kind of education lacks the boundary that it holds. Overall we can say that for a society to be socialized and civilized education is the only means and today every society should focus on fostering education as it a remedy for all the evils.
Education plays a vital role in every aspect including the development of any society for example if the citizens will be more educated they will give more towards sustainable development. Education not only teaches us how to behave at a particular place rather in broader terms it is a tool by which the continuous tension between social environment and economic development can be integrated into a single point and can harmonised in the more better way in chasing sustainable development for all. This was the reason that education was named as a single and complete unit for sustainable development goals .Thus, making education as foremost important ingredient for the overall development of the country with sustainability. A better and broader understanding of education and its importance across non-formal, formal and informal education provides a very strong mechanism for providing assistance to social change enabling environment including professional career development, communication learning, lifelong learning and most importantly public participation. In the late 21st century Jacques Delors as well as the International commission on education pointed out the importance of education as the tool for the social framing in their wordings that:
“The idea of lifelong learning needs to be expanded and rethought. It must not only alter to fit the changing nature of work, but it must also be an ongoing process that forms individuals as a whole, developing their aptitudes, critical thinking skills, and capacity for action. People should be able to perform their social roles at work and in the community, as well as gain awareness of themselves and their surroundings”.[5]
With the overall goal of being socially competent and living with the theory of sustainability and fostering to live within the capacity of planet, implementation and working education towards sustainable development with the relevancy of its culture and appropriate locality occurring overall sectors of society is important. Therefore, for the overall development with sustainability awareness and level of education are the two pillars of same development that is sustainable development.
Keeping in mind the need for sustainable kind of development our judiciary had also played one of the important roles in making or pronouncing education as one of the utmost requirement. Post independence of our country the first report that put forth its report regarding the need of educational development was B.P.Kher committee report of 1948 laying down different kinds of schemes and programs for the educational development. After this report many commissions were formed like Mudalier commission, 1952, Education commission Act, 1964-86 etc. Came forward dictating their importance of education for the development of the country .Our constitution that came into existence on 26 jan,1950 itself contains provision related to right to compulsory education for the children below 14 years as their fundamental right under article-21 Right to Life and Personal Liberty.[6] Soon after hen the government of India finds the we are lacking in education which is one of the arms for the overall development of the country passed 86th amendment in the year 2002 after the new education policy act, 1985 and added a separate Article that is Atile-21A mandating three specific provisions enlisting right to free and compulsory education to children aged 6-14 years as their fundamental rights apart from this some changes were made in Artcle-45 by adding new clause(k) under Article-51A provides and mandates that it is fundamental duty of the guardian or parents making their children avail their right to education. Apart from this the High court and Supreme Court from their various judgements and prouncements made it clear the right to education as a fundamental need of every child.
The Supreme Court in the case Mohanjain v. State of Karnataka,[7] well known as the “Capitation fee case” held that right to education is guaranteed as a fundamental right of all children and cannot be denied to the children by charging additional higher fee as a captive fee. In the said case that was of Bandhuva Mukti Morcha v. Union of India[8] and others, it was held that it is a sole duty of the state to provide education to the children and to those children’s who are working in factories and mines. Thus, the right to education is a fundamental right of every children and they should avail the benefits of their right as one the famous quote that we all used to hear in our daily life “Padhega India Tabhi To Bhadega India” therefore education is utmost important for the development of any country especially India.
It is well said that education and its importance can never be put second when it comes to overall development of any country. Education has always played its role in developing and shaping all social, environment as well economical factors. We should work towards providing education to every child especially to the girl child ranging from urban areas to the rural areas as developments of any country start from developing and educating every sector of that country. Today, where we are focusing on the sustainable kind of development we should not overlooked the most important ingredient that is education that is one of the most important tools for sustainable development as “Education is recognised as one of the highest long term investment for all development goals including sustainable development goals”.
[1] Archana Yadav,Role of Education in Sustainable Development of Modern India, ,2455-6726AOE VOL2(2) April 23,2016
[2] Archana Yadav, Role of education in susatainable development of modern India,(June 2016, 12.30pm) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339166354_Role_of_Education_in_Sustainable_Development_of_Modern_India
[3] M AHMAD, Role of education in sustainable development,(April 4,2023, 11.30 am) https://risingkashmir.com/role-of-education-in-sustainable-development-f935c84e-a5ba-4757-9250-308f98302528
[4] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education
[5] Dr.Md. Moazzam Sulaiman,Education for the Sustainable Development,ISSN:2320-1882,IJCRT,VOL 7, ISSUE 4 (Dec,2019)
[6] Manpreet Kaur,Judicial response to right to education in India,ISSN:2319-7064,IJSR 2,3 VOL 8 ISSUE 4,(2018)
[7] Mohanjain v. State of Karnataka,(1992)3 SCC 666(India)
[8] Bandhuva Mukti Morcha v. Union of India,(1991) 4 SCC 177(India)